Thursday 17 June 2010

Momentous occasion - I have 1 follower

Well, the news, I have 1 follower. Yay :D Thanks Dean ;D

In this post, I wanted to talk about a few people, they may know who they are despite them not reading this blog but I guess the point of this was I can say things without people seeing them.
Lets start then yes? (: I used initial so people can sort of guess ;)

D - Well this person, ive known them for a hell of a long time. How I coped? No idea, you tell me. Despite the odd argument here and there, thats it. Nothing lasting more than a week :P I thought at some point soon we were gonna stop being mates, we seemed to be drifting however that doesn't seem to be true. Not after the recent few months, all the trips out and things to come this year. They are my best mate and I'm lucky, most the time ;D More good times, I think so.

G - The next person I have known for a little less than the previous person but only by a couple years. We have had our fair share of ups and downs, especially one recently. But, its effort to argue and its just best to try solve it however you can. You are ALWAYS there for me no matter what and I can tell you like anything. You reassure me and know that now, im here for you. Just drop me a text, and of course, ill reply. I know how it feels and i'll help you through it.

S - Well this person has became a big part of my life. We are best mates and have done loads. Me, you and D have had some good times. At the park, Disturbia :p That film was amazing, you just got mega scared :P and oi wedges, how much ;) All good times. Although we too have had our share of arguments, im glad we sorted them because we have memories that will last forever and hopefully lots more to come. Know i'm always here for you because you are one of my best mates.

J - What to say. Pat on the head, French just a fail. Why I am even thinking taking it next year I don't know but ah well ;D I have only known you for a short time and despite your lack of knowledge for me and my love of Paramore, we've become good mates, especially with French. We have some good laughs in French and ICT. And just random times. And Thursdays is italian BMT day, cant miss that ;)

H - Well, this one is not difficult but so hard to put into words. The world to me. 4 words to describe you. The amazing times ill never forget. Despite our ups and downs and all the things we have had happen, we're still really good mates and know that whenever you need me, i'm here. Just a text or phone call away, despite my hate for speaking on the phone, we still do ;) Theres so much i could say and ive told you before what i think so lets keep that for then ;) But thank you for everything, always there, you're my rock ;)

C - Well well well. Many things I could say here ;) We really do have a weird friendship :p But the laughs we have are hilarious, all the jokes :p I know i can rely on you and you've always been there for me. Helped me through so much, as well as steal my red bull and cherry drops, thanks for that ;) But i'm here if you need me so you know where i am ;) and thanks for everything (:

Well thats that for now! :D
See you all soon


Thursday 1 April 2010

Vivre Ton Vie - Live Your Life


Vivre Ton Vie is my blog where about life. feelings. Whatever.

Vivre ton vie is French meaning live your life. I chose this title for a few reasons. The main one being that crap happens in life and just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean you shouldn't do what you want to do or what you feel is right or is what you want. And another reason, it sounds a lot better in french :D

Over time, this blog will most likely get all of 5 views but I don't care. It's a place where I can say what I think and feel and people don't necessarily have to understand or read it but I can just say things.

That's all for now.
2nd post will be up later today as this is just an introduction post.
